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"Muvuca", a planting technique that saves forests in Brazil.

© Marie Fontaine -

🌳 Trees purify the air and are a source of life, absorbing and transforming CO2 and releasing it as oxygen.

🌱 More and more countries have embarked on massive reforestation, in order to fight against global warming.

⚠️ However, reforestation should not be done in any way and specialists have long been warning against:

- The transplanting of species chosen for their rapid growth,

- Artificial forests composed of a single variety, on unsuitable or too vast territories.

👉 It is difficult to find a company that does not have a carbon footprint adjusted through reforestation programs. Planting trees is an affordable way to fight climate change.

☠️ Excessive reforestation and afforestation kill biodiversity, reduce carbon storage and create inequalities in access to food. They may even be counterproductive for the climate, according to a joint report by the IPCC and its biodiversity counterpart, IPBES..

👉 According to scientists, planting trees is most useful when it serves to restore ecosystems and preserve them. A healthy nature captures more CO2.

💡🇧🇷 "Muvuca", a new planting technique that mimics the natural growth of forest areas, has been developed in Brazil for some years. This Portuguese word means "many people crowded in one place".

🌲🌳🌴 This method consists of planting seeds from more than 200 different tree species on deforested areas, collected by a network of 400 local actors, who have built up a veritable seed register. The species grow at different rates and each naturally creates the right environment for the other. Nature does the rest: only the strongest and best adapted seeds will give birth to a tree.

A seed mixture ready for the "Muvuca
A seed mixture ready for the "Muvuca

👉 The traditional method of planting allows about 160 trees per hectare to grow. The "Muvuca" method allows to expect up to 2,500 trees on the same surface and 5,000 ten years later!

🌱👌 The "Muvuca" method is very promising, because it ensures a great diversity of tree species and is very affordable, as it is not very labor intensive.

🌾 But above all, it is based on the seeding of native seeds: local species of trees that are particularly resilient and that are sometimes able to grow for 6 months without water.

💰 These are characteristics that clearly give this technique a huge advantage over the traditional method.

👉 Let's not forget that preserving biodiversity helps to safeguard the natural capture of CO2.

🌎 Today only 15% of the land and 7.5% of the oceans are protected areas: this is still far too little!

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